
Essay On Equal Rights Amendment

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The Equal Rights Amendment was passed by the both house of congress in 1972, then it was sent to all fifty states legislatures for Ratification. Only 35 out of 38 states ratified the bill. The reason behind this amendment was that many felt that women weren't protected by the 14th amendment, since it was written for males. Equality is equal right among people and it fairness for all, something that was already said in the constitution as part of the 14th amendment. So the reopening isn't necessary. The content might be directed towards males but things have changed and women too are protected. Also, because anytime males are drafted into the army the females will also be drafted. It, also didn't work out even with what they went though, which was protest, marches, rally, etc. this are some reason why the ERA shouldn't be open again. …show more content…

Which it clearly does state that "Granted Citizenship to ALL persons born or naturalized in the U.S." Also, now a days things have change over time and people have think differently about womens working and they get to veto. This is just some evidence based that women's are protected and have equal right, which the 14th amendment states. The second reason, it shouldn't reopen is because, on the LATimes it states that if males are drafted into the army and also the females will be drafted as well as the males. If that happens it would be a waist of time because equality is given on the 14th amendment, which if women began to get drafted it would work against us. Also if this movement reopens, men and women will have to fight in wars therefore, children with parents won't have either parents to watch over them and will be left alone. So if the amendment gets open this will cause problem and destroy

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