
Essay On Fahrenheit 451 And Technology

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Is the modern world becoming more like the thoughtless society of Fahrenheit 451? In 1953, Fahrenheit 451, a classic novel written by Ray Bradbury, was published. This novel contains two main themes: censorship and technology. Their society is so engrossed in new technology that they neglect connecting to the world and the people around them. As technology continues to advance in the modern world, these aspects become more apparent. While some people believe that the world of Fahrenheit 451 is different from the modern world, society’s reliance on technology and actions regarding censorship show otherwise. Society’s dependence on technology has proven to impair communication skills. In the novel, Mildred and her friends serve as a powerful example of this. One night, Mildred held a social gathering at her house, which consisted of watching movies. Montag, the novel's main character, increasingly became more distressed and pulled the TV plug. He proclaimed, “Let’s talk” (Bradbury 271). The women’s reaction to the proclamation suggests they were uncomfortable. The novel states, “The woman jerked and stared” (272). As Montag asks them questions about their lives, they struggle to answer. As a result of making technology the center of their lives, these women were unable to hold a simple conversation. In addition, following 15 years of research, …show more content…

As a result, communication between humans has become unreal. People use technology to avoid being uncomfortable, which may include having a genuine conversation. Technology is increasingly being used to connect with others, which is not considered effective communication. Similarly, censorship is continuing to increase and is being used to avoid having learning experiences. If the modern world continues to practice these aspects, will they eventually become a thoughtless society as seen in Fahrenheit

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