
Essay On Federalist Paper No. 51

Decent Essays

James Madison sees factions as inescapable due to men having differences in opinion and he feels that they need to be controlled to an extent. Madison notes in Federalist Papers No. 10 that factions are people “who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest”. If Madison were alive today he would be able to see a great deal of interest groups and communities, the most apparent ones being the Democratic and Republican parties. Madison mentions two methods for curing the mischief of factions one of those methods being remove the causes for the factions to protest towards and the other is restrict their efforts being made. These methods would not be possible today. The methods for removing the causes of protest is …show more content…

51 by asking the question “TO WHAT expedient, then, shall we finally resort, for maintaining in practice the necessary partition of power among the several departments, as laid down in the Constitution?”. He is asking to what extent should the powers of government be divided and why this division is necessary in order to maintain liberty. Madison notes that the separation of power requires the branches to be mainly independent from one another. Also, that each branch should be cautious of their involvement in the election of officials for another branches. The Framers recognized that every office cannot be elected, in particular, the judicial branch would suffer the most from this. Madison explained that the average citizen would not be aware of the qualifications judges should possess. Also, that the appointed judge should be free of political agendas since they are serving for life and should not be concerned with appeasing certain people's interests. Madison says that members of each department should not be concerned with the other two branches and determination of wages. For the greatest security against one department growing too powerful is a constitutional safeguard that would make it nearly impossible for one branch to reach that level of power. A series of checks and balances is necessary in order to control the abuses of government. Madison notes that though it is a shame to have to put a system against deviance in place,

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