
Essay On Fourth Amendment

Decent Essays

Fourth amendment of the US constitution states that it is the right of the citizens of the nation to be secure either in person or their personal holdings like their houses or papers and effects without being searched or even can’t be sized and no one has the power to violate these rights by issuing any sort of warrants unless and until the law enforcement officer has a proper cause which intern is aided by oath, which exactly denotes what the scope of search is and the particular persons or things that can be seized. Law enforcement officer can arrest a person who had breached the law and demolished the peace or a felony even without any arrest warrant being issued. Otherwise the fourth amendment allows the arrest of a person in a public place provided there is a suitable cause without considering whether an arrest warrant is obtained or not. But if at all the arrest is to be done at home the officer must and should possess an arrest warrant. It is mandatory that any search or seizure has a reason to be effective and any action without a warrant, the case does not stand before law. Under this fourth amendment, there is a rule called Exclusionary rule, which states that any evidence that is obtained by violating this …show more content…

As per the Exclusionary rule, a police officer can never use the proofs that are collected at the time of illegal search to submit to the court of law as evidence. Officers’ intern cannot utilize those proofs obtained at the time of illegal search in order to collect some other proofs. The police officers need not show the driver any affidavit to prove that they possess a search warrant to search the vehicle. Only if the officer suspects that the car driver is a criminal or a person, who has committed a crime, then, they may stop and frisk, otherwise they don’t. And they may ask to pat down the external clothing if they believe some weapon is

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