
Essay On Friday Night Lights

Decent Essays

The television series Friday Night Lights gave a glimpse to the rest of the world what Texas high school football is made of. In the series, the entire town of Dillon, Texas is obsessed with the football team and they do everything to support the boys; the players, cheerleaders, rally girls, coaches, and even managers are glorified in the small West Texas town. They feel like celebrities and are treated like it, but the stardom does not last forever. The song Devil Town was written for this series and with its repetitive lyrics and the dragging sound of the music, it describes the life in Dillon without any actual details. The music and lyrics of the song simultaneously start, creating a feeling of hurriedness, and not leaving any time for the listener to think about the music and the feeling it creates on its own. This reflects the lifestyle teenage boys were thrown into upon the entrance of high school and their rushed, and somewhat forced, decision to join the Panther football team. Halfway through the song, the music becomes …show more content…

The words “devil town” sound much more pronounced than the preceding lyrics in the line and that emphasis of the singer’s voice adds to the shock of the name- calling. In addition to this, is the speaker’s name- calling of his friends and himself as “vampires.” When sang, the word is very drawn out and sometimes sounds like four syllables which further highlights the word and its meaning in the context of Friday Night Lights. Instead of bowing down to the people of Dillon like every other person, the speaker is calling him and his friends blood- sucking monsters. This is considered borderline blasphemy against the football “religion,” as it is often referred to as in Texas. Accentuating the word “vampire” as the singer does, only pushes his disappointing realization to the listener

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