
Essay On Harriet Tubman

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Harriet Tubman
“I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.” -Tubman
The world was blessed with Harriet Tubman in 1822 on the eastern shore of Maryland. Unfortunately, Tubman was born into this world as a slave and lived on a plantation with her family, which consisted of four brothers and four sisters. Her parents named her Araminta “Minty” Ross but soon, with the coming of age, she changed her name from Araminta to Harriet taking after her mother, Harriett Greene. At the age of 12 Harriet Ross was seriously injured by a blow to the head, inflicted by a white overseer, or a person who supervises others, for refusing to assist in tying …show more content…

He was a freeborn black Pennsylvanian who could read and write. He used these talents to interview runaway slaves and record their names and stories in a book. He hoped that in the future, families could trace their relations using this book. William Still published the book in 1872 under the title The Underground Railroad which describes many of Tubman 's efforts. With Still by her side, along with other members of the Philadelphia anti-slavery society, Tubman soon learned all about the Underground Railroad. The curiosity exposed the hero within Harriet.
In 1850, Harriet helped her first slaves escape to the North. She sent a message to her sister 's oldest son that said for her sister and family to board a fishing boat in Cambridge, from there Harriet guided them from safehouse to safehouse in Pennsylvania, which was also a free state, until they reached Philadelphia. For Tubman, family came first.
In September of the same year, Harriet was made an official conductor of the Underground Railroad. This meant that she knew all the routes to free territory and she had to take an oath of silence so the secret of the Underground Railroad would be kept secret. Not like she’d actually say something about it anyway. She also made a second trip to the South to rescue her brother James and other friends. They were already in the process of running away so Harriet aided them across a river and to the home

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