
Essay On Health Care Choices

Decent Essays

How Do Beliefs Affect Health Care Choices?
A person’s cultural beliefs may have a large impact on their healthcare decisions. Jehovah's witnesses believe in living their life following God’s teachings from the Bible. Life is sacred in the eyes of God, therefore abortions and assisted reproductive technologies may not be acceptable. Jehovah's witnesses, do not accept blood transfusions. Modest dress attire is important, but has no effect on the decisions of a Jehovah's Witness. With any decision being made, one must be sure the decision will not affect their morals as Christians.
Many religious people believe there is an afterlife when they die. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe, based on bible teachings, death is a consequence for sins of …show more content…

3 par.1) Jehovah’s Witnesses are modest people. The only belief they have of food is that everything should be taken into moderation and prayer should be given before they start the meal.

Abortions go against the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses. “In God’s eyes, life--especially human life--is sacred” (Abortion p.2 par. 1). Even a life of an unborn child is sacred for them. They have the freedom to make their own choice that will be best for their situation, keeping in mind Jehovah’s viewpoint on life. “When a woman heeds her conscience, or inner voice, by respecting the life of her unborn child, her conscience rewards her. If she violates her conscience, it may trouble her or even condemn her” (Abortion p.2 par.3). The choice is up to the individual, but choosing an abortion can lead to living a life with guilt.
Some people may not be fortunate enough to be able to carry their own child. With the help of procedures, such as in vitro fertilization, they may be able to have the baby a different way. The problem may arise when the decision comes whether or not to keep extra unused embryos or destroy them. “Christians facing this decision are responsible before God to use their Bible-trained conscience” (IVF p.3 par.3). Jehovah’s witnesses must make this decision keeping in mind that God views all life as sacred.
Dealing with mental illness, such as depression or bipolar disorder, is not easy to

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