
Essay On How Did The North's Industry Lead To Northern Victory

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To What Extent did the North’s Industry lead to Northern Victory? The North’s industrial dominance was a major factor of why the won the war as it was an underlying factor to the other aspects of how they won. Through the North’s industrial prominence it allowed them to be a much more versatile and flexible army through transportation, population and financial supremacy. The Northern industry allowed them to produce war goods and to be an independent economy, which had a major play to their success in the war. The lack of emphasis on manufacturing and commercial interest, stemming from the Southern desire to preserve their traditional agricultural society, disadvantaging themselves to the North and their ability to function independently. It was neither Northern troops nor generals that won the Civil War, rather Northern guns and industry. Northern states produced 97% of firearms in the US which allowed war materials to be much more accessible and productive to produce as the North already had these large factory’s, which is …show more content…

The North was much comfortable society, in control of 70% of the countries wealth. The Confederates were all too willing to sell what little raw resources they controlled to the North for any amount of profit. This would only buy the South time, but not the war. Due to the Northern naval blockades, tariffs and printing paper money with no specie to back it up causing the Southern dollar to plummet and made overseas countries reluctant to loan money to a failing economy. This made it to expensive for the South to import goods from overseas and forced them to rely on the booming Northern economy. This allowed the north to have full control over the Southern and economy and could predict what the South could and could not have access to, which was a major subsidy to Northern

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