
Essay On How Hamlet Attracts The Audience Of The Elizabethan Era

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Parmar 1
Shivika Parmar
Ms. McLennan
ENG 4UV-01
July 21st, 2015 How Hamlet Attracts the Audience of the Elizabethan Era Well written plays are commonly identified by their effectiveness in relating to the audience. William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a highly effective entertainment piece of the Elizabethan era. Through the character of Hamlet, Shakespeare is able to reflect many of the essential elements of life in Elizabethan England in this play. For example, in Hamlet's soliloquy in Act 4 Scene 4, he speaks of Prince Fortinbras and his army, providing insight regarding the value of life on both ends of the social hierarchy during the time period. Furthermore, Hamlet’s descriptions also portray the significant influence of religion in Elizabethan society. Lastly, Hamlet’s soliloquy largely focuses on the importance of honour; which is a very fundamental part of society in the Elizabethan era. Through this soliloquy Shakespeare targets the Elizabethan crowd by including relevant features of life that the audience can easily connect with such as social hierarchy, influence of religion and the importance of honour.
The numerous different levels of the social hierarchy allow Hamlet’s speech to more strongly connect …show more content…

While describing the Norwegian army, Hamlet’s descriptions allow both the nobles and groundlings to relate to their differing roles in society. Furthermore, the terminology Hamlet soliloquy utilizes a connection to the importance of church in Elizabethan England. In addition, the strong impression of honour in Hamlet’s speech parallels the belief system of the early seventeenth century. These characterises how Shakespeare uses Hamlet’s soliloquy to target Elizabethan spectators. These

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