
Essay On How To Adopt A Child

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“Your daughter is alright Mrs. Annenberg, there are no symptoms of a person with mental issues. But if I musk as, why do you believe your daughter is simply crazy?” Dr.Willburg questioned. “It is nothing that concerns you sir. Thank you for examining Amelie but I must go. I am a very busy woman and have many matters to attend.” I curtly replied. I hurriedly left his office feeling worse than when I came before. There had to be something wrong with my adoptive daughter, since she killed the house pet, Harold. My husband might not believe me because of how ludicrous the idea sounded, but I had the feeling that I was right. Ever since we adopted her, many abnormal occurrences have happened. I never wanted to adopt the young girl to begin …show more content…

“Did Amelie hurt you? Is that why you are bleeding?” I uttered. “Yeeee-s mom. Amelie tried to hurt me but I hit her with the lamp before she could hurt me more. It was self-defense, I love Amelie very much and I would never hurt her.” William choked. “Get out of this room, William quickly. We are going to a hotel, go outside. Wait for me by the car. Hurry up, before she wakes up. Heaven knows what she could do.” I rapidly told my son. “Yes, mom” he responded. I watched as my son ran quickly out of the room. I breathed out a sigh of relief knowing that he was free from any hazards. Now I had to get my phone which I left on the kitchen counter to communicate with my husband. I sprinted with all my might and got my phone, but before I even could go to the kitchen to grab it. Suddenly, I heard a loud bang coming from upstairs and a cry of agony. I froze right where I was, the demon child must have woken up. I had to get out of here quick. I scampered to the front door and tried to open it. The door was locked, it would budge. I even tried unlocking it, but it was useless. Panic started spreading throughout my body and shivers started to overtake me. Suddenly the lights went out without a moment of notice. I have seen many horror movies and I know what it means when the lights go out. Amelie must be possessed or she could be an antichrist, thankfully I had my cross hanging from my neck. I stood silently

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