
Essay On India In World War 1

Decent Essays

India has played a major part in World War One in the aiding of Great Britain in the war to end all wars. India saw World War One as an opportunity to gain their own self-government and also be able to give Britain more firepower due to India’s great amount of soldiers. Throughout the course of the war, many countries were beginning to see how much of a contributor India really was. I total of 1.5 million Indian soldiers or volunteers served under the name of Great Britain. This amount of soldiers and contribution gave the people a reason to believe that they will be able to get their own self-government and freedoms from Britain. However, this does not come to be true and their social status with Britain dramatically decreased. Edwin …show more content…

This might sound good in some cases for India; however, Britain’s main enemy, Germany, were in the works of creating an Anti-British movement that would be able to throw off the British government. Critic and author William Archer explains how this attempt to create rebellion within would make the nation of India “burst into a blaze of rebellion” and ultimately draw India completely against Britain. A key factor for Indian economic growth was the ability to trade with other countries. Throughout WW1, India was a flourishing empire in business and economics, and were able to bring in mass quantities of goods to support their country. However, due to their increased support and spending towards Britain, they began coming into more competition with Britain based goods. Before the war, India’s sole trading partners consisted of those in the Central Powers and they were able to obtain a surplus of 6.2 million dollars, but by the next year, they were in debt of almost 14 million dollars, which completely broke their economy down. Selling and making goods for trade also decreased and made millions out of work. Britain began restricting more laws on civil liberties which made the Indian people call for a strike and the man who led the strike was Mahatma Gandhi who urged Indians to leave British-run schools, boycott law courts, quit colonial jobs, and refuse to buy clothing. This strike created a sinister relationship with

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