
Essay On Induction

Satisfactory Essays

The problem and its solution

In this paper the question “What are the possible solutions and alternatives for the problem of induction?” will be answered. To answer this question, induction will be explained. After that the problem of induction will be pointed out. Then possible solutions and alternatives will be discussed.

What is induction?
First of all: what is induction? Induction is a reasoning technique which is used to prove statements. It uses general statements about observations, turned into premises, and uses these to form an overall statement. There are three conditions which need to be followed for a proper proof by induction. REFERENTIE INDUCTION

1) The number of observations must be large.
2) The observations should be repeated under a large amount of conditions
3) Not a single observation should be in conflict with the argument.

Induction uses two steps. The first one is to observe and make premises. The …show more content…

He does that by providing the theory that it actually is not a way to proof things, but to make induction a way of creating a statement, which can be proven wrong by using conjecture and criticism (Popper, 1963). Instead of looking for theories that are probably true, science should look for theories that are probably false. Instead of finding justification, there should be looked for errors in existing theories to correct (Popper, 1963).

According to Immanuel Kant our fundamental convictions about the natural world are derived from twelve a priori -principles which he had classified into four categories: Quantity, Quality, Relation and Modality. He believed that we have obtained these a priori-principles in the process of natural selection. Because of these principles, we were able to judge induction quite accurate (Kant, 1781). Even though this gives an explanation for our trust in the principle of induction, it does not give any justification for our

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