
Essay On Judicial Branch

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The purpose of the government was that the founding fathers wanted a system of checks and balances where not one branch had more power than the other, They split the United States government into three branches, they are the Executive branch, The legislative branch, and The Judicial branch. The branches are meant to be separate, but have equal power. Each branch checks over the other branches to make sure of that. This system was made to prevent tyranny, an oppressive and cruel government, to happen again like King George III. Although they’re supposed to be equal, it’s arguable that the legislative branch is the most powerful branch because they have the power of impeachment and power of the purse. They also have power to approve presidential …show more content…

They are the only branch that is able to have this power and this was seen in 1998 when former president Bill Clinton was impeached due to sexually harassing Paula Jones and his affair with Monica Lewinsky. He was also impeached for obstruction of justice. Since those two events were considered criminal acts, it gave Congress enough reason to impeach Clinton. This power was also used for the first time back in 1868 when Andrew Johnson became the first president to be impeached. After the civil war, he became president, but he was from the south, so he had a “southern mindset” or similar to racism. According to PBS, Johnson declared that the US is “country white men and as long as long as I am president, it shall be a government for white men.”, and did some controversial things such as opposing the 14th amendment, which gave citizenship rights to freed slaves. The final straw was when he fired his secretary without Congress’ approval. Since he was racist and did what he wanted without the approval of Congress, it was decided that he would be impeached on February 24, 1868. This was the first time Congress expressed this power and since it’s a power only Congress can have, it makes this branch more

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