
Essay On Keeping The Story

Decent Essays

“Perhaps they would, but they just know I’m here to study the culture. So perhaps we should keep the story that way.”
Vishta walked into the house, her eyes bouncing from Seraph and the couple huddled together in fear. “Seraph, stop this. It’s not right. They did nothing wrong.”
“Of course they didn’t. But that’s not to say they wouldn’t still do something wrong. So, here’s the deal, we need a place to sleep and you want to stay alive. So, let’s agree that I won’t kill you so long as we sleep here and you don’t say a word to anyone.”
The wife nodded. “Of course, just don’t touch our children. Let them sleep. Let them believe they were safe all night.”
“Of course they’re safe, as long as you continue to cooperate.” Seraph put his dagger …show more content…

“If you don’t like the idea of it, then you can always go back to the shipyard. Look, I’m not going to argue about this anymore. I am who I am. You will just need to deal with death isn’t such a bad thing in my eyes just like stealing someone’s money is nothing to you.”
He could see Vishta cringe. She was frustrated with him but after traveling all the way here with him, she had to be willing to deal with him. He didn’t dwell on the thought for too much longer as he drifted off to sleep.
A loud noise woke Seraph from his dreams. Vishta was still asleep, her mouth open and snoring. Despite how loud she was, Seraph knew it wasn’t Vishta’s snoring. It was coming from outside. There were lights outside the window and whispering. He crawled over to the window and peered outside. If it wasn’t for the flashlights, Seraph wouldn’t have been able to see who it was. Instead he could make out the form of the husband and wife from earlier who had escaped the home. They were talking in hushed voices but Seraph knew exactly what was going on, they had gotten the guards and notified them of his presence.
He cursed to himself. If he hadn’t had Vishta interrupting his threats, he might have just killed the family and gotten over the entire problem. Instead, he had simply threatened them

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