
King Henry's Lack Of Sleep

Decent Essays

King Henry's solilquy renders the unstable state of mind through insomnia. He lies awake at night wondering "How many thousand of my poorest subjects are at this hour asleep". The use of the word "poorest" is insultingly used to describe the lower subjects of his country, which in his perspective is everybody, considering he is king to a nation. Overcome with the lack of sleep he begs "O sleep! O gentle sleep! ......How have I frightened thee". King henry is desperate for sleep, he questions why he, a great king, cannot lay to slumber while those of lower social class lie asleep in the night. He speaks out to an unknown pressence as if he were talking to someone. This demonstrates the Kings delusions of people and how his mind is beginning to be effected by madness. "Why liest thou with the …show more content…

This is Gruesome imagery of a young boys eyes being sealed shut and his head being rocked towards death. For king Henry to use such vile words is a big example of his personality and how his people are replacable. He has such animosity towards those who have what he does not and thus his jealousy is made known. Although the King craves for sleep he references it as a "dull God" as if he views his persona as better then sleep. King Henry uses "uneasy to desribe his own feelings saying " Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown". The shifts in tone showcase king Henry's path to madness. He illustrates his crown and job as king as "uneasy" but yet loves the idealogy of being superior. Being King technically makes Henry superior but to verbally insult people as he does in line 1 indicates his ego taking superiority out of hand. King Henry's thoughts of sleep are crippling his ego and this he does not like, but as he talks about the lack of sleep, his personality begins to bleed through, exbitting his delusional mind set. King Henry's thoughts are expressed through superior diction, violent imagery and the subject coming before the object and verb after object of the

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