The story “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel has various themes. This story is about a boy who struggles with three religions; therefore religion becomes the theme of the book. This boy who has been stranded at sea on a lifeboat with a bengal tiger named Richard Parker, for two hundred and twenty seven days, near death, gets through his journey through religion. Pi’s experiences influence the way he acts, what he believes in, and what kind of person he has become. Pi was raised Hindu, but he has a longing to love God in every way he can. At the age fourteen, Pi investigates two more religions: Christianity and Islamic. He decides to become adherent in all three. His parents do not agree but he follows through with it anyway. These religions are a part of how Pi deals with his situation on the lifeboat.
Pi’s parents did not know about him practicing three religions at first. A priest told his parents that he had seen him in a temple and an Imam told them he was in a church crossing himself. “But fate decided that my parents and I and the three wise men, as I shall call them, should meet one day on the Goubert Salai seaside esplanade and that my secret should be outed” (Martel). They met all three wise men at one time. Everyone seemed puzzled to be there all at the same time. The priest, the Imam, and the Pandit all argued whether Pi was a
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“I know zoos are in no longer in people’s good graces. Religion faces the same problem. Certain illusions about freedom plague them both” (Martel). Pi studied zoology and religion at the University of Toronto, and this quote demonstrates just how closely related religion and zoos are to him. He’s quick to turn a conversation of animal freedom into a metaphor for people’s religious beliefs. In the book it explains how people misunderstood the nature between the wild and the zoo. People also misunderstood what it means for a person to be free of any religious system of
As explained in the book, Pi follows three different religions; Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. Pi is extremely interested in all three religions and tries to find himself through religion. Although, he does not understand why he can’t follow all three religions. “But he can’t be a Hindu, a Christian and a Muslim. It’s impossible. He must choose.” (76) This thread represents that he dedicates himself to the things he believes in and will fight for what he believes in. Even when his family disagreed with his decision of following all three religions, he still fought for what he believed.
Pi’s dedication to all three religions: Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity, built a stronger bond between God and himself. It gave him character and strength as God was alongside him throughout the entire journey. The bond he shared with God also helped him keep his sanity and maintain his will to live.
He came from a household who only followed the religion of Hinduism. Pi was really interested in Religions and desired in to finding out who god was in order to strengthen his relationship with him. In order to fulfill his desires, he chose to learn about Christianity and Islam. It takes lots of time and determination to follow just one religion, but Piscine’s devotion let him follow all three religions at the same time. While practicing the other two religions, Pi’s parents found out and were not pleased. His parents tried to bait him into “refusing the call” and to remain faithful to only one religion, Hinduism. Pi’s parents decided to take their son to meet mentors. They met with a pundit, a priest and an imam to talk about Pi’s faith. “He can’t be a Hindu, a Christian and a Muslim. It’s impossible. He must choose” the Pundit explained. Regardless of the negativity everywhere, he still insisted in following what he believed in. Pi mentioned all that he really wanted to do is become closer to god. He used a very fascinating way when regarding those three religions, where he took the ups from each and used them in his daily life. This really shows Piscine’s dedication on what he believes
Pi is raised as a Hindu, which is the majority religion of India. Hinduism is the oldest religion, and is often referred to as a way of life or a family of religions. Hindus believe in a constant cycle of birth, death and rebirth, which is governed by Karma, stating that good actions will prove beneficial for an individual and vice versa (BBC Hinduism). In the novel, Pi is born in India as a Hindu, and he practices this religion throughout his journey. “But religion is more than rite and ritual. There is what the rite and ritual stand for” (Martel 48). From a Hindu point of view, this quote exemplifies the main beliefs of
Firstly, Pi’s devotion for God was clear and he often seeks clarity from god. Throughout the novel, Pi’s love for God caused him to practice three major religion at the same time; breaking any barriers between Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. Pi believes all three religions are equally true and interconnective as “[Islam and Christianity] both claim Abraham as theirs. Muslims say the God of the Hebrews and Christians is the same as the God of the Muslims. They recognize David, Moses, and Jesus as prophets” (80, Martel). Pi was morally ambiguous, he did not know if one religion would bring him closer to God than another causing him to follow all three. When Pi was stuck on the life boat, he often called out for help from god as he feared death. As he was giving up, a voice inside of him spoke from his heart and said “I will not die. I refuse it. I will make it through this nightmare. I will beat the odds, as great as they are. I have survived so far, miraculously. Now I will turn miracle into routine. The amazing will be seen every day. I will put in all the hard work necessary. Yes, so long as God is with me, I will not die. Amen” (164). Pi was uncertain whether or not he was going to survive however, he hoped through praying, he would as his faith in God brought him comfort.
At the beginning of the novel, Pi’s story is described as “a story that will make you believe in God.” Writer himself Yann Martel was going thru his writers crisis, traveling world looking for a good story to write something about. Martel found a man who told his story. His man named Piscine Molitor Patel who is a practicing follower of three religions: Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. For this reason, extremely mature boy must constantly fight the lack of tolerance and understanding in his surroundings. While in the case of adult people the lack of a specific decision on the faith can be perceived as humiliating, but Pi is fully justified because of his young age. His desire is to find the road to the creator will be seriously tested during
Pi feels it is okay to practice all three religions because they all have one goal or purpose which is the belief in God. Since each story he has heard is different, it does not take away from the main moral. This ties in with the imagination aspect because no matter how a story is told, the end result is the same. An example of this is when he is confronted and surrounded by the Priest, Pandit, and Imam. His response as to why he was practicing Hindu, Christian and Muslim faiths was, “Bapu Gandhi said, ‘All religions are true.’ I just want to love God.”(Page 76) Believing in all three religions is something Pi feels is important to him because he is just trying to love and pray to God in as many ways as possible. Although the stories are interesting, it doesn’t really matter how you got to the ending if the purpose of the story is the equal. The important of Pi’s imagination is triggered by this and has later gone into great effect. The religions he practices represent hat behind every reason, everyone has their own way of saying it, whether it be fiction or non-fiction.
The illustration of belief and behavior is well maintained as Pi incorporates a religious aspect to his life. His choice in practicing three religions is key to his behavior. As it is portrayed, Pi does not see a reason to follow just one religion, instead he wants to be able to practice three.
In Yann Martel’s Life of Pi, there is a strong theme of religion throughout the novel. Pi loves God and will do anything to grow closer to Him. He joins three other religions because he does not want to be limited to one faith and one way to praise God. After learning about the other faiths from their religious leaders, he decides to join them. He goes against his family’s wishes by joining these other faiths. During the novel, Pi’s faith in God is tested when he is lost at sea, but he uses his faith as comfort during those dark days. Pi uses his knowledge of prayer to help him. In Yann Martel’s Life of Pi, Pi uses his knowledge of the Hindu faith, the Catholic faith, and Muslim faith to cope with the harsh reality of being lost at sea.
At the age of fourteen Pi was introduced to three religions, christianity, hinduism and islam. He was on a trip with his parents in Munnar when he met a Christian priest along with other religious leaders. In these religions they preach that god is the main influence of life. Pi listened and learned in these religions, buying a bible and prayer rug that he read and used daily. This influenced his belief that God impacts all life events because it was what he read,
People often choose to believe in a higher power to find meaning in life and because of life experiences that lead them to God. Pi’s experiences as a child meeting Father Martin on vacation and the Muslim baker attract Pi to the love and devotion demonstrated by these people of different faiths. Pi’s faith and belief in God only strengthened when he was lost at sea, he knew that he must have meaning in life if God kept him alive through
The evident motif of religion plays a major factor in Pi’s life; however the author chooses not to focus on one religion specifically but instead enforces a glorification of more religions. Martel creates a main character who is a curious young boy who decides to learn about Christianity, Hinduism and Islam all at once. Even though Pi is primarily
The Life of Pi directed by Ang Lee is a dramatic survival film based around a young boy and his connection with reality and illusion. Life of Pi is not only a folio of visual effects but is a compelling film. Lee has made the inclusion of film aspects such as, morality, survival and perspective. These techniques are used to compel the audience and consequently force them to relate and watch with an open mind. This film provides the audience with two stories, allowing them to choose whether it is a compelling story or a movie full of visual effects.
For many, religion is like a journey to discover oneself or to understand things for ourselves based on personal experiences. Sometimes, a person would not know who they truly are inside and try to rediscover themselves by doing something called “soul-searching”. Another thing some people do if they need help understand something about themselves, they would go to a church and gain a new perspective in life. In the book, Pi learned three religions and was confused about some events that happen in the story of God or gods in the religions. Once he thought more about the stories he heard and found the answers to questions he had, he then felt enlightened with the new
I think that faith plays a significant role in shaping Pi´s personality of Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. Pi was born in Hindu and at the age of 14 Pi met Jesus Christ. When Pi met Jesus Christ he became a christian and began attending church. A year later Pi decided to change his religion and become a Muslim. He became a Muslim because he met a baker and the baker told him all about his religion and Pi decided he wanted to be a Muslim. Pi continues with his three religions Hinduism, Catholic and Muslim. He attends certain events when they have then for each religion. When everyone found out the Pi was in three different religions they didnt seem to like it but they couldnt stop him from believing.