
Essay On Long Term Care

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Long-term care system
America dates its generations from 1946 to 1964 which is a period after the Second World War. Children born in this era are known as baby boomers and constitute about 20% of the American population. In 2011, the youngest baby boomers turned 50 while the oldest have already retired. This is a massive retirement and has a lot of implications to the entire country. If projections are done to estimate the number of aged people in the American society by 2030 or 2050, it is undoubtedly that there will be millions of them. This change in the age structure will implicate the family structure, policy makers, businesses and mostly the healthcare system. An increased number of aged people in the population requires additional healthcare. The American government runs various entitlement programs that are meant to provide financial assistance, healthcare, legal assistance and nutrition to the elderly people. These programs include Medicare, Medicaid, social security benefits and supplemental security income. This paper seeks to discuss these entitlement programs, both at the federal, state and local levels.
Medicare is a federal programme for the elderly and covers almost all the population of people aged 65 years and above. Although this program is …show more content…

These programs are therefore important and the government needs to fix them so that every elderly person is assured of the protection and care they deserve. Otherwise, the government might end up spending every revenue they collect on the programs and there will be no money left to cater for other things like improvement of schools, infrastructure and healthcare systems. Despite the few complaints from people for not getting what they rightfully deserve, these programs have enabled Americans elderly people to love longer than they used to before the

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