
Essay On Managed Care Organizations

Decent Essays

Managed Care organizations commonly known as MCOs basically are healthcare delivery systems in the United States which are organized to help in managing costs, value of the healthcare provided and utilization. Medicaid managed care on the same note provides for the efficient and effective delivery of Medicare health benefits as well as other essential health services through special arrangements such as contractual arrangements between the different state Medicare and Medicaid agencies and Managed Care organizations (Bechtel & Ness, 2010).
Joining Managed Care Organizations will basically have a tremendous effects both on the patient volume, staffing and financial stability of my clinic in the sense that since MCOs integrates the payment as …show more content…

Similarly the MCOs will automatically undermine the physician-patient relationships which may ultimately affect the trust the patient has for physicians. Other ethical issues include restriction of the patient rights and ability to select physician of his or her choice, undermine provider competence, permanence of care and divergence of interest on the part of the …show more content…

In my opinion, I believe this has affected the healthcare environment in the sense that the growth of CDHP and MCOs drives patients into influencing the prescribing physicians which then motivates many patients to become more aware of their respective health plans. On the same note, such integration has led to many patients going for cheaper medication such as for generic drugs (Bergeson & Dean, 2006). Moreover the integration has also limited the patient choice as it has limited the consumer driven

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