
Essay On Meaningless Debt

Satisfactory Essays

Hello. I'm glad you all could make it tonight. I’m here to discuss the largest tragedy of the twenty first century. Inactivity. This has been a problem for quite a while now. We’re lazy, let’s face it.Not just one single person, but as a community; a country. We are 19.5 trillion in debt. “Rather go to bed hungry than to rise in debt” says B. Franklin. In March, 2016 America had an average debt of 762 billion dollars. That’s just for credit cards. The reason we have these meaningless debts is because we like material things, if we want it we get it it’s just how us humans think. Its pitiful however when we think that those things are more important than saving money, or keeping a stable job. A good part of the population is idle. No job, they

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