
Essay On Migrant Hostel Journey

Decent Essays

Journeys allow individuals to fulfil a deeper understanding of a sense of identity by encountering personal struggles, and being faced to overcome cultural barriers. While this process may be difficult to undergo, it provides the individuals an insight to a more preferable future and world to live in. In the poems from Peter Skrzynecki’s Immigrant Chronicle, the poet communicates how individuals are able to grow a further sense of identity and discover perceptions of new cultures by the demanding challenges that they are forced to subdue. The poems ‘Migrant Hostel’ and ‘Ancestors’ reveal that the world is changed by an individual’s perception and attitude. A lack of understanding or desire to overcome these obstacles can cause the journey to …show more content…

Similarly, the migrants are alienated by the Australian society represented in the simile ‘We lived like birds of passage’ showing the impermanence of the migrants existence in the new culture and how the migrants wait for changes in the culture to fit in, just like birds would wait for changes in seasons but in contrast as the migrants don’t know what time or direction the change is coming from. An individual has to overcome pressures from society to accept changes into experiencing new worlds; Skrzynecki portrays the barrier set by the Australian community with the symbol ‘main gate’ illustrating the image of two separate worlds, on one side of the gate the migrants are trapped and unable to feel a sense of acceptance and explore new cultures then on the other side Australians are living a life full of freedom causing the migrants to feel isolated and powerless to make a difference or

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