
Essay On Orthodontics In Brockville

Decent Essays

A straight beautiful smile is the end goal of all orthodontic treatment in Brockville; however, improving the appearance of your smile is just one reason to invest in orthodontics. Here are just four non-cosmetic ways that orthodontics are important.

Orthodontics Overview

In years past, orthodontic treatment involved painful, inconvenient, and unsightly metal and bracket braces that were glued to the surface of the teeth and bond by wires, which would progressively move teeth into a more healthy alignment. Advances in dental technologies, procedures, and products have transformed the industry. Today, more convenient and less painful clear aligners are used in place of the old fashioned braces.

Decrease Risks of Tooth Decay and Cavities

Crooked teeth and …show more content…

Over time, this can lead to gum disease, tooth lose, and more. Once orthodontic treatment in Brockville is complete, these tiny gaps will have the chance to close, reducing your risks of gum disease latter in the life.

Prevents Excessive Wear and Jaw-Joint Problems

Over time, teeth naturally wear down, however in well aligned mouths, this doesn't cause any problems. However, when there is a drastic misalignment, either with the teeth or the bite, teeth are more likely to experience excessive wear. This can create weak spots on the tooth that are more susceptible to damage and decay. Orthodontics correct this problem so teeth wear down uniformly.

Typically speaking, orthodontic treatment in Brockville normally happens between 12 and 18. However, more adults are opting for orthodontics now that clear aligning trays are readily available. Older adults are also not the only ones who can benefit outside of the traditional age bracket. Children as young as 8 can benefit when they have drastic misalignment problems such as a major over or under

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