
Essay On Overcoming Obstacles

Decent Essays

Overcoming Obstacles Every living being who walks the face of the earth will experience some form of adversity. It doesn’t matter who you are, adversity will find you at some point. The way someone responds shows what their true character is. That moment for me came during spring ball of my junior year when I tore my Labrum. The Labrum is in the shoulder and I had torn mine in the front and back side. With the season fast approaching, I had to decide whether to get the surgery now and forgo my junior year or wait till after the season to get the surgery. It was a no-brainer in my mind and I played my junior year with the injury. The worst part of my injury was just beginning because the second week after our season had ended I had my surgery. …show more content…

Going two to three times a week and doing the same thing each week makes you wonder if it’s even worth it. Through this monotonous process, I was taught extreme discipline. That if I didn’t do what I was supposed to do I wouldn’t heal properly and potentially reinjure myself. Three months of physical therapy go by and I was extremely grateful to walk out of that place one last time completely healed. On the car ride home from my last therapy session I was able to reflect on the journey I had taken. The biggest lesson that came to my mind was that nothing worth having comes easy. I wasn’t just going to do nothing and expect to be healed. I had to put in hours of hard work and endure post-surgery pains to see the results I wanted. It also showed me that when working towards a long-term goal you must have patience. You cannot expect in a day or a week to obtain the goal you desire to achieve. Last is to trust the people who help you along the journey. From the doctor who performed my surgery to my physical therapist if I didn’t put my trust in them, I may not have achieved my goal. Tearing my Labrum is an experience I would never want to repeat, but this journey allowed me to work on areas of my life where I was lacking, and teach me lessons

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