Inherently dangerous, fight dogs, or vicious are just a few words that come to most people's minds when they see or hear the word Pit bull. Pit bulls are feared because of their past reputation as fight dogs and this has led to the banning of Pit bulls in many counties and cities across the United States. However, I have had the honor of owning a Pit bull as well as knowing many great Pit bulls a Pit bull owners over the years, and what my experience shows is that it's not the breed, but the owner that determines the dog's behavioral outcome, it also shows that Pit bulls are extremely loyal and protective of their owners, and that they are great with people especially kids.
My sister and I went through the task of training my Pit
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This just shows how great Pit bulls are with kids. All the Pit bulls I met that were trained well-loved people and they especially loved kids, but most parents have the tendency to pull their kids away from Pit bulls they meet, but then they let their kid go towards other breeds of dogs and the reason they do this is because of the negative way they have seen Pit bulls portrayed. My Pit bull was able to disprove these false assumptions made on his breed by proving to people that where you come from doesn't define you, but how you treat people does. In fact, he was so kind to people that sometimes it would shock them because they thought Pit bulls were supposed to be this vicious breed that could not be controlled.
Hopefully my personal experience has been able to shine a positive light on Pit bulls and shown that when it comes down to a dog their breed shouldn't define them because a dog is just a reflection of their owner and if a Pit bull is treated correctly they won't randomly lash out at their owner, but will be loyal and protective to the
Cesar Millan who has his own show on Nat Geo Wild called Cesar 911 works and owns his own pit bulls. He has had a dog named daddy who was raised with Cesar since 4 months old. Cesar had a large pack of dogs so it made daddy well socialized and never aggressive with other dogs. Daddy with two small boys of Cesar’s laying and sleeping on daddy he got the best play time with his kids and was calm and soft with Cesar’s kids. If other dogs were being mean to him he would just walk away and not start anything(Millan). With that in mind I feel that pit bulls are misunderstood and can be very good pets if raised with the correct and proper training. These dogs might look mean and aggressive If the dog is trained by someone to fight they will take the most time to open up.
Pit Bulls have not always been thought of as vicious and bad animals. They should be allowed as pets this is why. They are great with children and also very smart. Pit Bulls also get a bad rep from the media because they only cover the bad things Pit Bulls do. Pit Bulls should be allowed to be pets because they are great with children.
If you take the time to love and train a Pit then it is going to be very friendly, caring, and smart. They will always have the heart of a puppy, and if you take the time to take care of them, they always love you and listen to you, just like any other breed would. Although pit bulls may seem intimidating, they will most likely love a stranger rather that attack them as long as that is what they are taught. Even though they are intimidating, a pit bull is never going to hurt you as long as that is what they are taught. They are extremely friendly, loving and happy
The Pitbull is only a danger when they are trained to be and not socialized when they are young. An official statement from The Humane Society of the United States said that breeders take advantage of pit bulls’ inherent loyalty to make them more aggressive with outsiders and other dogs. They will try to do anything to keep their owners happy. People will chain them in place with heavy chains. To hold the dogs in place weights are added to them with the purpose of increasing a dog’s upper-body
Since ancient times the pit bull terrier has been bred for violence; warfare, hunting dangerous game, and dog fighting. The breed was really never meant to be an affectionate family animal. People should not be able to keep pit bulls as pets.
Some of the common myths about pit bulls are that their jaws locks and bite stronger than any other breeds. If they show any aggression towards other dogs, then most likely they are mean to people also. No matter how individuals who want to ban pit bull see it, the truth is, that people do get bitten by pit bulls, just as how they get bitten by other breeds of dogs. With such bias against the pit bull breed, perhaps those who agree to ban pit bulls should look further and do more research about these animals. Avoid behaviors that are known to lead to aggressive tendencies such as leaving the pit bull tethered and unattended, or training with dynamic correction. Don’t allow your dog to roam the neighborhood or escape because he/she is bored in your
Central Idea: When a pit bull is raised in a loving and responsible home they make great companions and family pets.
When you see a Pit bull, what is the first thing that goes through your mind? For some, it is a sense of fear and for others it is the thought that this breed is misunderstood. Have you ever stopped and thought about if the Pit bull breed is really a vicious breed, or are they just misinterpreted due to the reputation that others have given them along with the many myths that are attached to them? What about the owners of these precious animals? Do you ever think that they are the reason that their Pit bull may be a vicious dog? Many times people speculate too much
The breed known as “Pit Bulls” consists of many breeds in the Bull Terrier group. Today these dogs are known for their fighting, biting, and their aggressive behavior. Some of the many stereotypes of these dogs are: “Pit bulls are inherently vicious” (17 Things...). No dog is inherently
It is said by pit bull owners, that they are one of the most loving and affectionate breed of dog there is. The viciousness, in some of them, is due solely to how they are
ii. According to the Pit Bull Rescue Central web site, pit bulls have never been bred for human aggression. In fact, Pit Bulls were bred to be loyal, tolerant, and loving toward people, especially children.(Pit Bull Rescue Central website, accessed April 4, 2012)
The main reason pit bulls attack is because they are mentally unstable, a mixed breed and show overbearing traits, or because they are mistreated by their owners. The public must understand that the three “pit bull breeds were bred for dog fighting and bear and bull-baiting” (PBRC). On the other hand, they were also kept as “nanny dogs” and used for herding cattle. “Pit bulls are ideal for therapy work because of their pleasant nature” (PBRC). These are three of the most stable breeds known to man. They have a very high temperament test score, 86% as of 2010, a lot higher than most breeds. “The American Pit Bull Terrier is one of the top 5 most stable breeds in the country” (PBRC). Anyone can see that this is an excellent breed of dog. There are a few things that people should know though. “Pit bulls have a lower Tolerance to dogs, but with any breed, a dog’s tolerance changes as they mature” (PBRC). “Maturity can come late with pit bull breeds” (Villalobos Rescue Center). The reason for this low tolerance is because of their history of dog fighting. It has been bred into them to have the will to fight. Pit bulls usually do not start a fight most of the time, but they will not back down or give up. Due to this, owners must be cautious and attentive.
2. Pit bulls are loving, tender, faithful, and they are protective over the families they belong to. We, as owners and pet lovers, need to take the steps to ensure the image of this breed is restored; We need to speak up for the underdog.
Owning a pit bull in today’s day and age has one of two reactions: Either the person loves them or is terrified of them. There are so many myths about Pit Bulls and they are just that. Myths. Some of the myths that surround pit bulls are that they have “lock jaw” and they have a killer instinct that does not stop at just killing other animals. Pit bull advocates, such as myself, know that Pit Bulls have always been known as the “nanny dog” throughout history because of how much they love children and their loyalty to their families. Mean or vicious dogs come from ignorant, irresponsible owners. The bottom line is that not all pit bulls are bad.
Pit bulls are the most misunderstood dog breeds in the world. When people hear the word pit bull they automatically think of dogs fighting and attacking. When people say "pit bull" they're usually referring to a range of breeds and, often, a mixed-breed dog. (Lawrence, C Louisville Magazine Feb 2007) People think they are a very dangerous breed of dog. Because of this, some areas do not allow pit bulls and breeds like them. Pit bulls are the leading culprit of dog bites in America, but on the other hand, they are the gentlest dogs people will ever meet. The National Canine Temperament Testing Association