
Essay On Police Brutality

Decent Essays

Over the years, this country has witnessed many cases of police brutality. It has become a controversial topic among communities that have seen police brutality personally or on social media. With power comes responsibility, that’s one major concern with the amount of discretion officers have is when to use force or when to use lethal force. Officers are trained to use split second decision making and have to rely on this on a daily basis. Officers are given the power to either take a life or not give someone the rights they deserve, which is unconstitutional. It may not seem like a big issue for some, but it should be viewed by both the police and the community as a serious issue. Police should be trained properly so they do not resort to violence and abuse of power. Police are placed on a higher level of authority and try to be respected by the rest of the community. To maintain this image, laws and morals should be learned and used by officers all around the world. If police are using brutality to resolve issues, it doesn't set much of an example of resolution between individuals. Over the past decade police abuse remains one of the most serious human rights violation in the United States. Police officers are trusted and expected to respect society as a whole and enforce the law. There is a time and place for aggressive force if needed, apprehending a suspect, however the environment and the situation might influence the moment thus resulting in the brutal and barbaric

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