
Essay On Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever been in a situation having to do with race? In the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, racism is a vital role in the time this story takes place. She wrote the story based on how racism was like in her eyes as a child. In my opinion, after reading her novel, racism still takes place in America many years later. The novel starts with the introduction of two kids that live with their lawyer father. They have an African American woman who works for them in their home all day and then goes home at night. The two kids, Scout and Jem, enjoy their summer with their new friend Dill. But once that ends, their their father Atticus sends them of to school like most of the families in Maycomb County. Soon, Atticus is assigned …show more content…

Just as in the past, racism continues in America. “As late as the early 19th century, the terms “race” and “class” were interchangeable in much of Western writing”(Grolier Web). Over two thousand years later and some systems still use these same terms as they once were. Another example is, “Americans tend to view the issue and definition of racism almost exclusively in terms of whites of European origin versus African American”(Grolier Web). As already stated, those who are ‘racist’ have a different mindset that has them view racism the way they do. “It is widely believed that the simple act of making distinctions among the varieties of people, known as racialism practice of racism as colonialism and imperialism increased”(Grolier Web). As of today many social scientists think that racism has actually in these past months. “Racism has and continues to result from the perceived loss of political, economic, or social power”(Grolier Web). This explains how racism still causes those of another race to not be able to do the things that white Americans have the right to do. In Harper Lee’s novel, racism is shown a lot more often than it is shown now. In her novel, the African Americans and white Americans are seperated and have a different communities. The African AMericans are not treated well by the white Americans because they are considered less intelligent and less important than they are. In 2017, Racism is less common but in some situations it can

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