
Essay On Richard Jury

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Richard Jury is the fictional lead in the Richard Jury series of novels by bestselling American mystery thriller writer Martha Grimes. Grimes wrote the first novel featuring the lead character Jury titled The Man With a Load of Mischief in 1981. The novels series is so popular that over three decades since first publication, it is still ongoing.

Richard Jury the chief protagonist is a Scotland Yard detective who starts out in the rank of chief inspector and rises to superintendent. The detective works alongside Alfred Wiggins his dependable though hypochondriacal servant, and a British aristocrat named Melrose Plant who has relinquished his titles to work on a range of investigative mysteries. In addition to several recurring characters, Brian Macalvie who is the Divisional Commander of the Cornwall and Devon Constabulary makes frequent appearances.

The Man with a Load of Mischief, the first novel in the series opens to the body of a man discovered inside a beer keg. It is not long before another dead body is found at the beam of the Jack and Hammer pub. The man had been thus placed to replace the mechanical man on the pubs sign. With two murders and two pubs, Scotland Yard’s best is called into offer his insights on what might have happened. Richard Jury the Detective Chief …show more content…

A young woman is the victim of a brutal attack and murder visited on her while she was heading to Twelfth Night party held at the local manor. The police are unable to locate any coherent clue to the happenings of the night except that she had been repeatedly stabbed with some kind of two-pronged implement. With the local police befuddled, New Scotland Yard’s finest Richard Jury alongside Wiggins his sidekick, saunters into town to unravel the mysterious murder. Throw in Melrose Plant the unofficial but very efficient sidekick and you have what promises to be a great mystery

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