
Essay On Sack Of Rome, And Concerning The Ruin Of Spain

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In both The Expulsion from Spain, Alaric's Sack of Rome, and Concerning the Ruin of Britain, we presented with historical examples of people being displaced by from their land. The Celts in Britain, the Jews in Spain, and the Romans in Rome all faced opposition from an enemy (The Anglo-Saxons, the Spanish Monarchy, and the Visigoths, respectively). But what differentiates the three circumstances from each other, besides timeline, is the circumstance and ultimate resolution. The same time as Columbus was sailing the ocean to the Americas, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain officially exiled a large population of Jewish people. According to the author of the text, this vicious edict, “…was prompted only in part by the greed of the king and the intensified nationalism of the people who had just brought the crusade against the Muslim Moors to a glorious close.” In comparison to both the Romans and the Celts who were essential betrayed by groups that they had previously allied with. For example, “But the Visigoths […] first entered into an alliance with the Emperor Arcadius, but at a later time […] under the leadership of Alaric, …show more content…

Sometimes movement can be voluntary and even an aggressive action taken in order gain land. But from the perspective of those in the text we’ve looked at, the Celts, Jews, Romans, were victims of other groups trying to dislocate them, whether it was a monarchal force or an invading society. How we learn about these events today (and form our opinions on them) is influenced by the point of view of the primary sources that exist on the subject. The authors of both The Expulsion from Spain and Concerning the Ruin of Britain wrote their documents as members of the displaced group, but Alaric's Sack of Rome was written long after the actual events occurred. So, long-term perception usually hinges on the writer and their own closeness to what

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