
Essay On Schizotypal Personality Disorder

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Personality Disorders
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Schizotypal personality disorder is a disorder characterized by odd or eccentric beliefs and behavior and poor socialization. Unlike schizophrenia, people with schizotypal personality disorder usually do not suffer from hallucinations or delusions and are not disconnected from reality.
Symptoms and behavior of schizotypal personality disorder can include eccentric or odd behavior and/or appearance, excessive social anxiety, avoiding intimacy, having few or no friends, paranoia or being overly suspicious, odd beliefs, preoccupations or fantasies, odd speech and thinking and inappropriate displays of feelings.
Schizotypal personality disorder is diagnosed through a psychological …show more content…

The outcome of treatments can vary with the severity of the disorder though there often isn’t significant progress. People with the disorder often don’t seek help for schizotypal personality disorder. It is more common for people with the disorder to seek help from depressive and anxiety symptoms. There are multiple treatment options to consider when treating schizotypal personality disorder. As it is a chronic disorder treatment often focuses on reducing symptoms and improving social skills. Treatment options include talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and training in social skills to allow the patient to cope better in social situations, maintain relationships and keep employment. Therapy to improve speech may also be useful to improve odd or unusual speech. Some cases may benefit from antipsychotic medications. Severe cases may need to be hospitalized to improve socializing and provide therapy.

Avoidant Personality Disorder
Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by social avoidance and low self-esteem due to fears and beliefs of inadequacy, embarrassment, criticism, rejection and disapproval.
Symptoms and behavior of avoidant personality disorder include avoiding occupational activities involving interpersonal contact due to fears of criticism, rejection and disapproval, social anxiety, being easily hurt by criticism or disapproval, beliefs and fear of inadequacy being preoccupied

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