
Essay On Slut Shaming

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Slut Shaming Today Because I am female, I am expected to aspire to marriage\ I am expected to make my life choices\ Always keeping in mind that marriage is the most important\ Now, marriage can be a source of joy and love and mutual support\ But why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage\ And we don't teach boys the same?\ We raise girls to see each other as competitors\ Not for jobs or for accomplishments, which I think can be a good thing\ But for the attention of men\ We teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings in the way that boys are - Beyonce In today’s society it seems that there has been an increase in the word slut. We have began to take away the idea of someone being a victim and instead slut shaming them. Films have …show more content…

It just makes it okay for guys to call you sluts and whores.” (McMillan, p. 91). This quote just shows that not is it a problem that mean are slut shaming but women are doing it to each other too. These words that people are using is what kill young teenageds. The tv series 13 Reasons Why was a great show to prove how much harm slut shaming can do to a person. This show went episode by episode showing all the cruel ways the main character was slut shamed and raped, thus leading up to her death. Jessica, the main character, was raped but said she deserved it for being drunk. The main character, Hannah, was raped and the response was that she wanted it and she was making eyes with him. He makes it seem like it couldn’t be rape because the slut wanted her. In no way should that be acceptable,however, people do blame the victim. I have also had an experience with slut-shaming in high school. I feel like slut shaming is something no one should go threw. I think the idea of me being a slut started in High School my freshman year. I was very chubby and short in middle school but by my freshman year of high school and grew to be the tallest in my friend group and I lost a bunch of weight. Many guys noticed and wanted to actually talk to me. I talked to many guys and became friends with them because they were lest dramatic than girls, however, I was

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