
Essay On Sojourner Truth

Decent Essays

" I feel safe in the midst of my enemies, for the truth is all powerful and will prevail." Said Sojourner Truth during one of her battles for freed slave rights. Truth was born as a slave in which after 30 years she escaped. After she dedicated her life to helping freed slaves get their rights along with women's rights. Sojourner Truth is a hero to not only women, but to everyone because she changed America for women and color people by being brave, determined, and Godly.
In Truth's time women were expected to stay home and keep quiet. However, she was brave enough to break those bonds of social normality. After escaping slavery, she traveled around the country as a preacher working to bring attention to the injustices of freed slaves. In her travels she would speak at many peaceful protest," Truth was not intimidated by outstanding authority, she learned to manipulate established institutions to effect reformations (Butler)." In doing all of this she used great bravery to help not only herself, but those in the same situation. She used her bravery to help form the nation that we have today. Without her the racial problems we have today would be way worse. While in slavery she was not allowed to learn how to read or write, and only …show more content…

All great heroes have motive behind their actions, for Truth she used the bible to show how God wanted all people to be treated equally. Truth spent about 30 years as a traveling preacher telling the nation of the hope she found in God for equality for everyone. "But how good and wise is our God, for if slaves knowed what their true condition was it would be more than they could hear, (Butler)." Truth uses her belief in God to show how gracious he is to allow them the bliss of ignorance, for she knew if they knew the true extent of torturous slavery that they would not fight for freedom at all. Her belief of God is what lead her to help others to

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