
Essay On Space Race

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Space Race “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” [Address at Rice University, September 12 1962]- John F. Kennedy. The space race was a turing pointin U.S history. With cold war tension rising between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, they turned to space to prove their dominance. However, space exploration did have it’s critics. Many Americans saw that the spending of $23 billion dollars was unnecessary (Historyshots). “There are so many problems to solve on this planet first before we begin to trash other worlds.” - E.A. Bucchianeri, (Brushstrokes of a Gadfly). Many didn't realize that in a sense we were getting our selfs into.The U.S was basically getting them selfs into another war, but this was to be a different …show more content…

The world's first artificial satellite was about the size of a beach ball (NASA). Now with the Soviet Union in the lead this would mark a milestone because never had the United States of America been passed by the Soviet Union in science (Digital History). "It was Americans who made all of the publicity of this. Then it was the beginning of (the space) race. It was only on one side - the American side. My father didn't want to spend too much money. He had a different priority, to make life better for the people."”— Sergei Khrushchev. The space race for many year was dominated by the Soviets. Even with the head start that that the Soviets had received you saw that the America spirt was not dead and they looked to do something that has still to this day has not been done by anyone else. Landing on the moon."Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." Neil Armstrong. With the United States landing on the moon in July 20, 1969(Rockets&Revolutions). That finalized the space race, something that the United states was always trailing in until one man had the courage to do the impossible .”That's one small step for man, one giant leap for

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