
Essay On Student Loan

Decent Essays

The first thing that we have to look at for this paper is what is a student loan and how do you get one. There are several different types of student loans that a student can acquire once they have selected an institution to attend. The four major student loans that students look into are direct subsidized loans, direct unsubsidized loans, direct PLUS loans and, direct consolidation loans. These are the major options that we will look at for this paper.

The first type of loan is a direct subsidized loans is only eligible for undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need to help cover the costs of higher education at a college or career school. This loan also goes by another name, a stafford loan and are only available at select universities. Here are some quick facts about a this type of loan, only undergraduate students with a financial need can acquire this loan. You school is who determines how much your loan amount will be and it …show more content…

This type of loan is different from the others in terms of who gives you the loan because the loan lender is the U.S Department of Education. You must not have adverse credit history, which means that you have to have a history of paying bills on time and have the financial means to eventually repay the loan back. If you have an adverse credit history, there are two ways to still get this loan. The first is to get an endorser who does not have an adverse credit score who agrees to repay the loan if you do not repay it yourself. This person how ever can not be your parent, it can be your grandparents, uncle, aunts or cousins, but not you parent or guardian.This loan is also different in that it can cover your whole tuition after you subtract other financial aid

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