
Essay On Suspension Can Harm Education

Decent Essays

Suspension will Harm Education

Is suspending our kids really working? Why go through all the trouble if it’s not? We can’t keep suspending our kids if it’s not helping them. Most kids who get suspended have a lower GPA because you are keeping them from learning. Although punishing a kid for his/her actions is fair, we should just find a more effective way to do it. My reasoning is, Kids want to go home instead of being at school, parents are rushing to find alternative ways to keep their kids home, and they are losing their learning environments. Studies have shown that when kids get suspended, learning goes out the window. Then kids don’t strive to keep their grades up. Instead of suspension kids should have to make up the class they missed on their freetime, like the weekend. Kids who do bad things to get suspended want to go home. Hasn’t anyone ever noticed that the kids who get suspended want to go home? When kids come to school, studies have shown over 75% of students don’t want to be at schools. So why go through the trouble of sending misbehaving students where they …show more content…

Everytime a kid gets suspended we are making it so they get to enjoy however long they want at home resting or playing video games. Plus, when parents can’t take off due to a busy work schedule, what’s keeping their kid from getting in even more trouble and then they forget about learning. With everything going on with trouble making kids, a classroom education is something that you should never take away from a student. When will it ever be fair to take a child’s learning from them. Even if you as a school promised to help educate them and prepare them for the rest of their life, but when you suspend them, those kids never even got a fair

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