
Essay On The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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What is the American Dream? What is the American dream to you? Well in your eyes is the American Dream full of ginormous mansions, sports cars, and parties. Or is it the dream of being given the opportunity to be successful, living a healthy life, and to have family/friends that love/care for you. In the story of ‘The Great Gatsby’ Jay Gatsby is a very rich young man who started off in a poor family but, then became a very successful ‘businessman’; which buys him a humongous mansion, several cars, but no ones love. The real debate is what is the real meaning of the American Dream. The American dream is the one that gives you the opportunity to be successful, in-which you can turn that one opportunity into success, also to have a healthy life, and to have a family/friends that cares and loves you; no matter how much or little money and success you have. The belief of the American Dream is partly shown in the story of ‘The Great Gatsby’ when Jay Gatsby grows up being poor and gets an opportunity to be successful, which ends up working out very well for him; when he …show more content…

"And what's more, I love Daisy too. Once in a while I go off on a spree and make a fool of myself, but I always come back, and in my heart I love her all the time” (Fitzgerald 128). This shows how he absolutely does not have a healthy lifestyle dreaming about a girl that he cannot get married to, which genially upsets him. The other part he is missing in his life is family and friends who love him because, he lost Daisy and now he does not have anyone else. He throws these huge parties hoping to get Daisy to come to one of them but, everyone uses him to have a fun time. This is really shown when he was killed and no one comes to his funeral other than his father and

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