
Essay On The Atlantic Slave Trade

Decent Essays

This week’s assignment and context videos have prompted me to deeply reflect the ruthless history of the slave trade during the 18th and 19th centuries. I had never before explored, in this depth, the cruelty of the slave trade operations. To begin with, I was baffled by John Green’s video “The Atlantic Slave Trade” Revelation after revelation was revealed to me. For instance, I was not aware that pre-civil war Americans facetiously dubbed this horrific practice as “the peculiar institution.” Also, later in the video he mentions the exact space the average slave was given during the journey on a slave ship. It is stated that each slave had four square feet of space, and he shows a taped of section of it on a blackboard in the video. In order to further engage with the …show more content…

In addition, I did not realize that North America only brought in 5% of imported slaves, compared to the Caribbean and South America. Like John Green, I too had been taught that the majority of slaves were brought to American. In fact, I do not believe my history classes ever mentioned Brazil or the Caribbean’s role in the slave trade operation. While this percentage is still unjust and unsettling, I did learn that it was smaller when comparing it to the other recipients of slaves. John Green also made a connection that I had not before explored, he keenly points out that all of the crops that slaves were used to farm on the plantations; sugar, tobacco, rice, and coffee are not imperative for the sustention of human life. That comment truly made me reflect on the deep greed behind slave trade operations. For plantation owners, it was merely a ruthless desire to make a profit by any means necessary, even if that required killing innocent people. This past summer, I toured a historical Tobacco plantation in South Carolina with my

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