
Essay On The Book Thief

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The title of The Book Thief fits the book very well. First of all, it sounds intellectual, which lets people know the type of reading they are about to be doing when they sit down with this book. If someone was looking for a light, fun read, this tells them not to pick this book up. Also, the phrase “the book thief”, comes back many times within the novel, whether when Death is referring to Liesel, or when Liesel titles her autobiography after her unknown nickname. Character If I were to choose a character to be my best friend, I would choose Rudy Steiner. First, he clearly doesn’t care what other people may think of him, as demonstrated in the Jesse Owens incident. He knew he would be made fun of, but he wanted to honor Jesse Owens, so he did it. His …show more content…

Trust me though, the words were on their way, and when they arrived, Liesel would hold them in her hands like clouds, and she would ring them out like the rain.” This quote, appearing when Liesel is struggling with reading, encompasses the important symbol of Liesel and her relationship with books. This is ultimately summed up in Max’s book that he wrote for Liesel, The Word Shaker. In the story, words are planted by Hitler, until they are a massive forest of destructive ideas. Liesel, however, plants her own tree, with a seed from a tear she cried to save Max. She climbs the tree and stays there. Hitler, and many others try to cut down the tree, but they can’t. One day another man comes, not to cut down the tree, but to climb it. The man who climbs the tree is Max, and they both leave the tree together. The tree finally falls, taking down some bad trees with it. Max’s story was a perfect metaphor, and brought some clarity to a few topics. First it showed that, while one person can’t destroy all Nazi-ism, they can still make a difference. It also brings light to the dynamic of Liesel’s relationship with books. Books and words are her safe

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