
Essay On The Great Chicago Fire

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The Great Chicago Fire was one of the significant devastation that happened in the eighteenth century. Through this tragic event, hundreds of people died and thousands of buildings were completely destroyed in the fire. Before, the city was flourishing as more people traveled and decided to call Chicago their home. After the fire destroyed most of the surrounding area, people began blaming one another for the deaths of all the people. As time passed, Chicago slowly began to rebuild like never before. Although the city of Chicago continued to grow before the fire, after, the city boomed with the abundance of money and people. Moreover, because there was destruction, the people of Chicago, Illinois did not allow a fire to stop them from creating more opportunities for the future. The city has changed from the fire, but because of the help that was received, it was able to get rebuilt, and invite new individuals to explore the wondrous city of Chicago. Before the fire destroyed over half of the area, Chicago was overflowing with history on how this area became a city. In addition, the first records of people ever moving into the territory of Chicago was during the seventeenth century, but the first tribes who lived on this land where the Miami, Sauk, and the Fox. (Owens, 20). The first two people who surveyed the area in 1673, were Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet who traveled from New France, Quebec, searching for the Northwest Passage in order to have a more effective

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