
Essay On The Hobbit Vs The Korean War

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Wavy GriggsMr. ArmstrongEnglish comp. II T-R 9:2523 September, 2017The Hobbit Vs. The ToupeeNorth Korea and America seem to be all that is talked about in modern day media. Does anyone know the true motives of the participants, no, but what is known is that tensions are high. While North Korea claims to want overall protection from capitalist society, America claims that the North Korean Government is a terror regime with weapons of mass destruction. Both sides have defensive standpoints and reasonable suspicion. Clearly, with tensions rising action being taken is only a matter of time. A compromise must be agreed on to settle the two nations. With all but peace talks being put into play, a mandated compromise allowing the North Korean government an ability to defend itself, and allowing America the safety of non-aggression must be met.Subsequently, this disagreement goes farther back than many acknowledge. The Korean War, which led up to modern day confusions, was commonly perceived as a communist attrition war. This very label would, of course, bring forth America to the fight. America got involved to preserve “order” and prevent another “Iron Curtain” from forming. America and Russia played huge roles in the skirmish, with America and Russia both influencing the side aided. North Korea was backed by Russia. With the
Griggs 2help given by Russia, North Korea had huge communist ties. America disliked this and aided the South Korean people in

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