
Essay On The Progressive Era

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The Progressive Era was notable for being a time of social activism and political reform at the turn of the twentieth century. It was a time of severe change in America and American society. The progressives' goal was to avail and improve American society by working towards equality. Progressives shared feelings of hope about American citizens' ability to improve social conditions, by actively helping, both politically and morally, and ascertain social justice. During an age of mass industrialization and urbanization, acquiring social justice was essential because with social justice established, social control would naturally be achieved due to the contentment of citizens being treated fairly. Progressive reformers wanted to improve equality among everyone, but they soon found the wide divisions in American society to be difficult and needing much effort to overcome. Though the progressive era was an attempt to reform American society and …show more content…

The progressive era contained several different movements to change the American society, values, and institutions. These movements included women's suffrage, The Federal Meat Packing Act, Trust Busting, Dollar Diplomacy, and the Populist Movement. During the progressive era, women and men were not treated equally because women did not have the right to vote and to hold an elected office. Great leaders like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Jane Addams, and other women’s rights leaders, had a major impact on women’s suffrage and achieved many important reforms. Suffragists requested and promoted Congress to pass a Constitutional Amendment to empower women. In 1869, Stanton and Anthony originated the National Woman Suffrage Association, which main goal was to get an amendment passed that would give women the

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