
Essay On Under Soft Determinism

Decent Essays

I believe a person is responsible for his/her grade in this class, and his/her grade is not already determined. A person’s grade is not determined until the end of the semester when each assignment, paper, and exam is calculated together. A person is responsible for his/her grade based on the performance and understanding of each deliverable in that class. A person must take the time and effort to understand the topic and apply that to that assignment. However, the level of understanding and amount of deliverables completed determine a person’s grade. A person has a choice to complete those assignments, learn the topics, and perform those understandings. In effect, this person is responsible for their grade in this class. For the theory of determinism, supporters would argue that a person is not responsible for his/her grade in this class. Under soft determinism, every event and every action is determined due to the events that came before it, but if those events were different, then the present event would be different. With this in mind, a person can alter his or her path, but the grade would be determined based on either event. However, the grade may be different than it was previously. A person would not be able to change that grade once that certain event occurs to deviate …show more content…

I believe that a person’s grade in this class is not determined from the start of the big bang. I do not agree that multiple causes, even causes that do not directly impact me, in a given timeline would determine my grade in this class. A person has the complete freedom and responsible for every action that person performs. I agree with the idea of soft determinism more than hard determinism since those actions that I perform have some effect on my timeline. There is a cause and effect for those actions or events in my timeline that will impact my grade in this

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