
Essay On Varicose Veins

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Varicose veins can be an inherited condition due to weaknesses in the vein wall or valves. Other factors which can bring the condition on include pregnancy and being overweight. Although commonly thought to be a cause of varicose veins, occupations involving long periods of standing do not tend to cause the condition, but can aggravate the symptoms.

Not all patients with varicose veins will need treatment. Adjusting one's lifestyle by losing weight, as well as wearing support tights or elastic stockings and trying to avoid long spells of standing, can help to alleviate aching symptoms, although these will not cure the underlying problem. In order to improve appearance, alleviate symptoms, treat developing skin changes and ultimately to prevent …show more content…

Surgery normally consists either of saphenofemoral ligation (where a cut is made at the top of the groin above the main varicose vein) or short saphenous ligation, with or without stripping, and phlebectomies (removal of the vein). Alternatively, varicose veins can be treated by sclerotherapy, an injection treatment which shrinks the blood vessel, although this has been associated with a high recurrence rate.

Duplex Ultrasound

Recently, however, there has been widespread use of the less invasive duplex ultrasound to assess the deep and superficial venous systems, allowing treatment to be much more focussed, as well as reducing the likelihood of trauma. The Duplex Ultrasound machine works by assessing the direction and speed of blood flow, whilst producing a direct ultrasound picture of the enlarged veins on a screen. This allows the specialist to map the distribution of veins.

Compression Stockings

Compression stockings are specially designed to apply pressure to your legs to improve your circulation. They work by encouraging the blood to flow upwards towards your heart by being tighter at the ankle and progressively looser towards the

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