
Essay On War Of 1812 Justifiable

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The War of 1812: Justifiable for the United States The war of 1812 could either be viewed as a justifiable war or pointless to the American and English people. The United States declared war on the British on June 18, 1812, for many reasons. To some, the causes of the war were not grave enough for a real war to erupt. However, there are three main motives that clearly made it valid to declare war. The British’s actions of impressment, efforts to restrict the United State’s trade, and the conquest for land in Canada and Florida were major contributors of the war of 1812 being considered justified for America. Before the war started, the British navy had a huge lack of sailors due to circumstances of low pay or low skill level ("The Mariners' Museum: Birth of the United States Navy."). Obviously, the British were not a fan of their scarcity of men. Britain decided to start impressing naval officers, meaning that they would force any British sailor they could find to serve for the the royal navy ( Lambert, Andrew). British seamen started to abandon the British ships they worked on to work for American merchants who would pay them more. This led the Royal Navy to the impressment of American soldiers as well. An estimated figure of about 6,000 America men were pressed and forced to serve in the …show more content…

The issue of impressment was something that needed to be dealt with not only in America, but globally. If the United States did not fight against the trade barriers, who knows what could have happened to our economy. The land we gained in Florida was just one minor contribution to the large, beautiful country that is known today. Plus, if the war never occurred, the United States would not have the Star-Spangled Banner or the iconic Uncle Sam that all Americans

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