
Essay On Why College Athletes Should Not Be Paid

Decent Essays

The final decision on whether to pay college athletes has the ability to change college sports dramatically in many aspects. Paying college athletes would be a negative addition to college sports. There are plenty of uncertainties when it comes to the amount of money each player would earn, especially with thousands of colleges in America in different financial states.

Although coaches and staff can make millions of dollars, student athletes are playing sports but are students first; therefore student athletes should not be paid. They already receive payment by receiving scholarships, in many cases were college is already paid for. Colleges in different financial situations might have more or less of the ability of actually paying their …show more content…

According to Andrea Castro from Borderzine, “Only 1% of college players go pro and only a smaller percentage are able to play overseas” (Castro). Athletes deserve to get paid when they play professionally but only 1% of college athletes actually make it to the professional level. But those that did not go professional now could use the free education they have obtained and make a living off of whatever they studied. Andrea Castro uses a college football player as an example, “Trevor Vittatoe, former University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) star quarterback. ‘After trying for two years, I've fallen short of making the NFL roster” (Castro). Even though Trevor Vittatoe was a star quarterback at the University of Texas, he still was not able to play professional football. This goes to show the scarcity of people going to play professional sports, and if a student athlete is looking for pay trying to make the professional league would not be a easy task and the revenue aspect would be a reward for making it to that level. Paying college athletes would defeat the purpose of professional

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