
Essay On Why Did The South Want To Expand Slavery Cause The Outbreak Of War

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Southern desire to expand slavery cause the outbreak of war in 1846.It took place in the South, Texas, and Mexico in the 1840’s, because the southerners wanted to have more power and to expand slavery. Being the settlers wanted Expand slavery became more popular. There was also the opportunity that if they take Texas there would be more slave and free states. During Texas Revolution the United States thinks they're fighting for rights and freedom for Texas but they are just misunderstanding everything. If the United states soldiers go to Texas to fight in the Texas Revolution they will fight hard because of their patriotism and they won’t leave Texas voluntarily until they win. Their trying to annex Texas for more slavery uses. The United …show more content…

How Texas will be ruled after it annexed wouldn’t changed how it is already. Since the nation expanded to the West it made the South want to annex Texas even though some opposed, which made a revolution happen in order to gain it. Expansion for the United states and new territories they will try to gain. In Letter to the Editor of the National Intelligencer written by Henry Clay he says “lying west and north of San Antonio, being only adapted to farming and grazing purposes, from the nature of their soil, climate, and productions, would not admit of those institutions” Southerners from the lower south grew cotton and sugar. The weather need for growing cotton is warm climate and dry autumns which Texas has. Southerners grew cotton to sell to Britain for their textile industries. Also in Inaugural Address written by James K. Polk he says “vast resources of her fertile soil and genial climate will be speedily developed” and what he …show more content…

In The War in Texas written by Benjamin Lundy he says “immediate cause and leading object of this contest originated in a settled design, among the slaveholders of this country,(with land speculators and slave traders) to wrest the large and valuable territory of Texas from the Mexican Republic, in order to re-establish the SYSTEM OF SLAVERY; to open a vast and profitable SLAVEMARKET therein; and ultimately, to annex it to the United States.” the slaveholders and slave traders want to annex Texas so they can spread slavery and gain more power. In Texas, excerpts from diplomatico Communications to Lord Aberdeen, British Foreign secretary written by William Kennedy says “It appears to me that the question of Annexation will be graduated in its progress by the relations of parties in the United States.” that the political parties are really pushing for annexation. That's why they send soldiers to Texas to fight in the Texas Revolution. After the United States annexed Texas it will lead to other events like the civil war to

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