
Essay On Why Individuals Become Radicalized

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There had been many theories trying to explain why individuals become radicalized, by identifying some of the recurring features that might be found in terrorist group’s dynamics, we could be able to understand the reason for their attacks against society. We first must understand there are different types of terrorist groups; however, most of these groups rely on similar tactics in order to send their message across and get their demands. Let’s take a closer look to the London subways bombing on July 7, 2005 and some of their tactics, behavior and tools terrorists utilized to deliver that devastated attack. There were four males, associated with the Islamic faith who conducted the attacks, their age ranged from eighteen to thirty two years old and they utilized explosives as a tool for the attacks. Terrorists utilized male and females to conduct terrorist attacks; however, Islamic terrorist groups rely more on males to conduct most of the attacks, because in their eyes, they view males more capable to conduct …show more content…

Some of the terrorist members flew secretly to Afghanistan and Pakistan in order to obtain military training. There are unconfirmed intelligence about Mohammad Sidique Khan, being part of the 2002 Bali bombing (London bomb link to Bali mastermind, The Age.). Most people believe that terrorists are ignorant individuals who can’t read or write and live inside of a cave in the middle of the desert; however, this is far from true, not all terrorists are illiterate, matter fact, some of them are well educated and dress and live a western lifestyle in order to maintain a low profile and avoid unwanted attention from the community and Law Enforcement. In recent years, the individuals who had conducted terrorist attacks were wearing western clothing in order to blend in with the general

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