
Essay On Wilderness And The Frontier

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Throughout time the West has become intrinsically linked with the concepts of “wilderness” and the “frontier.” Concepts of wilderness and the frontier have greatly shaped the perception of the West. Perceptions of the frontier and wilderness have changed over time; first, Turner’s frontier thesis described the frontier and wilderness an uninhabited land of opportunity; second, new historians challenged Turner and claimed wilderness and the frontier were merely constructs of society; lastly, concepts of the frontier and wilderness expanded past the American West—into space and the future. Each of these perspectives shaped the general narrative of the West. First, Turner’s frontier thesis influenced perceptions of wilderness and the …show more content…

Finally, the frontier thesis argues that the frontier is closing. As Turner states, “the frontier has gone, and with its going has closed the first period of American history” (Turner, n.p.). Without the frontier, traits that allowed America to thrive, such as democracy and independence, will dissipate. Turner’s frontier thesis and the concepts of “frontier” and “wilderness” are intrinsically linked. Turner mentions the word “wilderness” eleven times, and the word “frontier” 167 times. Turner’s argument of how the closing of the frontier, and the lack of wilderness, will detrimentally effect traits such as democracy and individualism has impacted the perception of the West. For example, by looking at the West as “free land” Turner minimizes the presence of Native Americans who have called this land home for centuries. This erases a large extensive history from the West. In addition, by only perceiving the expansion westward through mainly a Euro-American perspective, the West loses its diversity and complexity. Additionally, without this diversity and complexity, it can be difficult to examine how the past has effected current issues. For example, without understanding Native American and Euro-American relationships in the past, it can be difficult to understand current struggles of land ownership between the two groups. New historians directly challenge the arguments presented within the frontier thesis, because of the several issues it contains. While Turner

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