
Essay On World War 1 Imperialism

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The Imperialism and Alliances between countries that Cause World War One World War One was a war in which the countries of the United States, Austria-Hungary, Serbia, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Germany, and France all went to war to help defended their country in a battle that took the world by storm. People could say and probably would say that Nationalism, Militarism, Assassination, and Imperialism is what mainly caused World War One, and they’re right, but in order to fully understand how it happened you need you read between the lines and realize how it actually happened and my own opinion on it. First off World War One was caused when Franz Ferdinand and his wife were both assassinated on the streets of their county by a man of cruelness …show more content…

An example of my argument was seen and heard throughout the whole world and that was basically the spark that ignites World War 1 and it was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was man of wisdom who always was the bigger man through the “Imperialistic” countries, he was a man who took care of his wife all the time he would never have time for somebody else because his wife always came first, saldy on the anniversary of the “First Battle of Kosovo” (1389) but it was also Ferdinand and his wife's wedding anniversary, making his dead even more tragic. During the time of his assassination Ferdinand was approached by a man whose name sounds even more cruel everytime i say it, and this man was Gavrilo Princip, and as he approached Ferdinand he took a look at him and without having time to think he shot Ferdinand's wife making him suffer from the tragedy that he just witnessed before actually killing Ferdinand, after the event the people of Kosovo were all witnesses of the tragic event and alone in my opinion is what caused the outbreak of World War 1 because of the assassination between people of other

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