
Ester : The Scarlet Letter

Decent Essays

That he hadn’t told Helena about Ester or that he’d been involved RETROGRADE 167 with her at all? He can’t remember now, and maybe he never really knew. “Your wife didn’t believe you?” “I didn’t tell her about the other woman right away,” he says, but the confession brings him no relief. If only Helena were here now, they’d be over the hurdle and in the home stretch. If only he’d already spoken Ester’s name aloud in front of her. But he’s done enough. She slipped out just when he needed her, but as soon as she comes back, the doctor will catch her up on everything she’s missed. “She found out, though?” the doctor asks. Sister Anne opens the door with a clatter as if to dispel any suspicions that she was eavesdropping. It doesn’t matter …show more content…

False hopes, the doctor said. And that’s what Joachim has had all this time. Thinking it was just a matter of saying a few words to Helena and she’d be healed. When the whole thing is just a ticking time bomb, no way of knowing whether she’ll snap out of it on the way home or this time next year. The doctor turns to Sister Anne. “Give Ms. Bachlein and Mr. Schmidt an appointment two weeks from now.” Sister Anne takes Helena’s arm again to guide her out to the reception area, and Joachim follows slowly behind. A time line of the events, the big ones and the little ones filled in, the whole space of the last few years jammed with fine print until there are no more blank spaces, nowhere left to hide. And yet the doctor told Helena her suspicions were unfounded. Was he trying to help Joachim, or spark Helena’s interest so she’d insist on a discussion? He doesn’t notice that the nurse has already given them a new appointment until he feels the weight of Helena’s grip being transferred from Sister Anne’s arm to his. Not that she’s a burden, he thinks, walking her to the elevator. She’s just the weight he needs to keep from floating away. Something to keep him grounded. The talking treatment will help him as much as her, maybe more. Helena Neither of them speaks until they’ve left the building and crossed the street away from it. There’s a thin gray cast over the sky

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