
Ethan Fromes Character Quotes

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The book Ethan Fromes is named after its main character. Ethan lives in a cold, snowy town called Starkfield with his wife Zeena. Although Ethan is married, he is falling in love with Zeena's cousin, Mattie Silver, who lives with the Fromes as an aid to the sickly Zeena. Throughout the story, we learn that Ethan is an unhappy man. He is married to a woman who has not only crushed his dreams but has also failed to love him the way a spouse should. He now sees that marrying Zeena was a mistake and knows that he faces a life of caring for this miserable woman, who will not care for him in return. Despite the fact that his wife makes him despondent, he is unwilling to fight her oppressive rule over him. Zeena behaves more like his master than …show more content…

His wife is the primary reason for his unhappiness. One day, upon arriving home from work, Ethan sees the gravestone of a distant relative and his wife. The relative's name is also Ethan Frome and his wife's name is Endurance. On the gravestone is written, "Dwelled together in peace for fifty years." Ethan fears that, like this man, he will have to live a long life with his wife Zeena. The name Endurance show us what kind of situation Ethan is in. Unlike his ancestor, Ethan does not live a peaceful life, he endures it. He bears his wife's complaining and grumbling, and truly has no happiness at all. He does not want to spend fifty years with his wife if he is not happy. Ethan did not marry Zeena out of love, he married her because he felt indebted to her because she took care of his ailing mother. After his Mother died, he could tell that Zeena was becoming sickly herself. Ethan felt that since Zeena took care of his mother and served her so willingly, he was now obliged to take care of her. Unfortunately, Zeena is a terrible wife. She is sickly, unattractive, and unkind. She focuses on herself and is always complaining about her illness. Ethan imagines how hard it will be to live with Zeena for years to come. This is the cause of his

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