
Ethical Arguments Against Euthanasia

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I will let my aunt chose to live or die! Euthanasia also medically termed as “physician-assisted suicide”, is medically defined; by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as suicide by a patient facilitated by means or information (as a drug prescription or indication of the lethal dosage) provided by a physician who is aware of how the patient intends to use such means or information. Individuals all over the world are living through this situation without being supported.With this being said the acceptance of this will allow my aunt to not live through suffering from ovarian cancer. Although many deem euthanasia wrong, it is medically ethical for physicians to assist terminal patient's choice to end their lives because it exercises a patient's autonomy on living without suffering critically. Therefore, physicians shall ethically support the allowing of euthanasia. …show more content…

Based on physician assisted suicide's history, it's an effectual topic to review to understand that euthanasia became a topic to discuss around 400 B.C.. When the Hippocratic Oath by “Father of Medicine” Greek physician Hippocrates existed. His ethical choice was to not give an individual deadly medicine. During this time many places believed life was to precious to throw away. In contradiction to not supporting the ethics of a physician to aid in an individual's death, other believed that it should be allowed. Sir Thomas More is often quoted to be the first important Christian to recommend physician-assisted suicide. Throught the years many individuals have fought to go for or against the moralities of choosing death when suffering critically. Till today it is still a subject of matter that’s under

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